Spiritist Educator
Babies, children and youth are reincarnated Spirits in the stage of improvement, endowed with the skills and experiences developed throughout their multiple existences. In the Spiritist Center, Spiritist Education groups provide a special moment of interaction, learning, reflection, sharing of experiences and building bonds of friendship and fraternity among participants. It aims to promote connections with oneself, with others and with God, providing opportunities for studying and experiencing Jesus’ teachings through the lenses of Spiritism.
Lesson Plans
Babies & Parents (0-3)
Spiritist Education for Babies and Parents-to-be and suggestions for class activities.
Young Children (3-6)
Spiritist Education for Children, ages 3 to 6, and suggestions to develop during class activities.
Children (6-9)
Spiritist Education for Children, ages 6 to 9, and suggestions to develop during class activities.
Pre-Teens (9-12)
Spiritist Education for Pre-Teens and suggestions to observe during class activities.
Teenagers (13-18)
Spiritist Education for Teenagers and suggestions to develop during class activities.
Click here to know more about the Lesson Plans Project
We are thrilled to present our Lesson Plan Project, a collaborative effort made possible by the dedication of youth educators from Spiritist centers across the United States. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these educators from the Spiritist Centers listed below for sharing their experiences, ideas, and time, which have been instrumental in creating new materials in English, for spiritist children and youth. We are also grateful for the fraternal partnership with FEB, the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (Federação Espírita Brasileira), who generously donated their educational workbooks to serve as inspiration for this lesson plans project.
This project is an ongoing endeavor, and we welcome all English-speaking Spiritist educators to join us in this collaborative effort. Whether you’re interested in sharing ideas, creating new lessons, or volunteering in various other capacities, your contributions are welcome. Together, we can continue to inspire and support each other in our spiritist educational journeys.
As you explore the new lessons posted below (organized by age), please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, feedback, or suggestions for this project.
May the presence of Jesus continue to guide our lives and make our meetings bloom with joy and beauty.
Thank you,
– The Lesson Plan Project Team
For those interested in getting involved or learning more, please contact Danielle Gorab or Mirella Lima directly at
Participating Centers:
Centro Espírita a Caminho da Luz (AKSC of Danbury) (CT)
Chico Xavier Spiritist Society (CA)
Grupo de Estudos Bezerra de Menezes(NJ)
Joanna de Angelis Spiritist Society
Nosso Lar Spiritist Society (CA)
Spiritist Center Divine Light (NJ)
Spiritist Group Emmanuel (NJ)
Spiritist Group of New York (NY)
Spiritist Society of Baltimore (MD)
Spiritist Society of Bridgeport (CT)
Spiritist Study Group of Seattle (WA)
Sunrise Spiritist Society of Texas (TX)
United States Spiritist Federation
“In life, we are all sowers… Some sow flowers and discover beauty, perfumes, and fruits. Others sow thorns and hurt themselves in their spikes. Nobody lives without sowing, either good or evil… Blessed are those who leave seeds of love, kindness, affection, wherever they go…” – Amelia Rodrigues, Divaldo Franco
“The child is like a seedbed, the adolescent is a like a fertilized field, the adult is like a crop in production. Thus, the harvest will depend on the quality of the seed.”
– Amelia Rodrigues
Family Study Group
- The Family Study Group is a meeting primarily for parents/guardians, but other adults in the family are welcome as well, since all of them play a role in the education of children and youth.
- This study group focuses on family related topics, based on Jesus’ teachings and the Spiritist doctrine.
- It is an essential part of the Family, Children and Youth Spiritist Education Department, as it emphasizes the role of parents/guardians in their children’s spiritual education.
- It is not a Counseling Group of any type (neither for couples, families, or individuals).
- Provide parents/guardians and family members with tools to educate themselves and, therefore, become better educators.
- Understand the family structure through the view of the immortal Spirit, bringing awareness to parents/guardians’ responsibility towards those under their care in this present incarnation.
- Promote more active parent/guardian participation in the Family Spiritist Education Department, as a critical element to achieve the goals of the spiritual education of the families, children and youth.
- Create an environment to study family life related topics and a bridge between Jesus’ teachings under the Spiritism’s perspective and their application in everyday life.
- Open the channels of communication between parents/guardians and educators, so they can support each other’s role in the children and youth education.
- This study group does not have the purpose of replacing the study of the main books of the Spirits’ Doctrine.
- It is suggested that the meetings take place once a week for approximately 60-90 minutes on the same set date/time.
- If the Spiritist institution has the ability, it is recommended that the family study group take place concurrently with the Children and Youth Spiritist Education classes.
- It is important to start the meeting with a prayer and an inspirational message (optional).
- It is recommended that this study group have an interactive format to allow participants to discuss and reflect on the topic. Coordinators may use slide presentations, worksheets or other interactive activities to make the meetings more engaging.
- There is no need to rush to conclude a topic. Discussions can be continued over a period of more than one meeting.
- After the closing prayer, passes can be given at the Spiritist Institution’s discretion.
- Ideally, there should be two coordinators leading the Family Study group.
- It is not required for coordinators to be professionally skilled in any particular field, such as psychology, sociology, etc. However, they must have knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine, be part of the FYCSE department, and be active members of the Spiritist Center.
- It is important that the Family Study Group coordinators meet on a consistent basis (for example, once every 2 weeks), along with all the other educators, to study and discuss each groups’ particular needs.
- The group’s coordinators must be welcoming and non-judgmental, allowing participants to share and learn from each other’s experiences.
- The group’s coordinators should keep the conversation focused, giving all participants an equal opportunity to engage, keeping any participant from taking over the discussion.
Study & Support Materials
Gospel According to Spiritism
The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec
Family Constellation by Divaldo Franco, Spirit Joanna de Angelis
Heart and Soul by Francisco Xavier, Spirit Emmanuel
Jesus in the Home by Francisco Xavier, Spirit Neio Lucio
Our Daily Bread by Francisco Xavier, Spirit Emmanuel
Let’s Work Together!
”Go forth then and take the Divine words (…) gather your courage and decision and go forward like an imposing phalanx! Set to work! The plough is ready, the soil awaits, now is the time to plough!”
(Erastus – The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chap 20 – Item 4)